Documents & Links
Notice of Study Commencement Highway 410 Improvements South of Queen Street to North of Bovaird Drive (English)
Notice of Study Commencement Highway 410 Improvements South of Queen Street to North of Bovaird Drive (French)
Ontario Government Notice
Notice of Public Information Centre Highway 410 Improvements
Background Reports
Environmental Study Report for Highway 410 Extension from Bovaird Drive to Highway 10 (Main Street) (October 1999)
Design and Construction Report (DCR, 2014)
Transportation Environmental Study Report (future report)
This project will culminate in the preparation of one Transportation Environmental Study Report to capture the entire project limits including the results of the 1999 Environmental Study Report review. The Transportation Environmental Study Report will also outline the environmental assessment process, consultation, impacts, mitigation measures, and preliminary design details for the Highway 410 improvements from south of Queen Street to north of Bovaird Drive. Any relevant commitments and mitigation from the Design and Construction Report for the widening of Highway 410 from south of Highway 401 northerly to Queen Street (GWP 2144-07-00) (for the section south of Queen Street) will be reviewed and integrated into the Transportation Environmental Study Report for this project, where appropriate.
Upon completion, the Transportation Environmental Study Report for the study will be available here.
For related information, please see the following links:
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