About the Project
The Ontario Ministry of Transportation has retained AECOM Canada Ltd. (AECOM) to undertake a Preliminary Design and Class Environmental Assessment Study for Highway 410 Improvements. The Study limits extend from South of Queen Street to North of Bovaird Drive. The Study includes the consideration of potential improvements along the Highway 410 corridor. Potential improvements may include: the widening of Highway 410 to provide additional mainline capacity, implementation of dedicated High Occupancy Vehicle lanes, assessment of bridges, culverts, retaining walls, noise walls etc., along with considerations of upgrades to illumination and traffic signals. The Study Area is located within the City of Brampton and Regional Municipality of Peel.
The details of the proposed work will be further developed as the Preliminary Design progresses and will be presented to the public and agencies at a future Public Information Centre.
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Class Environmental Assessment Process & Schedule
Some Previous Projects in the Area

Highway 410 Extension from Bovaird Drive to Highway 10 (Main Street), W.P. 22-79-00
The work associated with this Project included approximately 9.0 kilometres of new limited access freeway connecting to Bovaird Drive in the south and existing Highway 10 just north of Valleywood Boulevard in the north.
An Environmental Study Report was prepared following the Ministry of Transportation Environmental Assessment in 1999. Study completed in 1999. Construction has been completed. Four lane extension of Highway 410 from north of Bovaird Drive to Highway 10 with interchanges at Sandalwood Parkway, Mayfield Road and Hurontario; grade separations at Countryside Drive, Heart Lake Road and Kennedy Road.

Highway 410 Improvements from Eglington Avenue to Mayfield Road, Detail Design, G.W.P. 2107-16-00
The work associated with this project included 5 contracts consisting of structural (bridge and culvert) rehabilitation, pavement rehabilitation, and foundation remediation work along Highway 410, from Eglington Avenue northerly to Mayfield Road.
This Project followed the approved planning process for Group ‘B’ and Group ‘C’ projects under the Ministry of Transportation Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) for Provincial Transportation Facilities (2000). Study completed in 2017. Estimated Construction Completion Date: Dec 2024.

Highway 410 Widening from South of Highway 401 to Queen Street, Detail Design, G.W.P 2144-07-00
This project included the widening of Highway 410 to a 10-lane system with the addition of two lanes (one High Occupancy Vehicle lane and one General Purpose Lane) in each direction; widening of bridges at Matheson Boulevard, Etobicoke Creek, Glidden Road, CN Bridge, and Orenda Road; separation of northbound and southbound traffic with concrete tall walls; illumination; extension of culverts; stormwater management with the addition of storm sewers and ponds; ramp reconfiguration at the Courtneypark interchange; ramp widening and ramp terminal intersections modifications at Derry Road and Steeles Avenue Interchanges; temporary and permanent traffic signals at ramp terminals; carpool lots; and full implementation of the compass system.
A Design and Construction Report was prepared in 2014. Study completed in 2014. Construction has been completed.